Celebrating Adult Basic Education Graduates
Celebrating Adult Basic Education Graduates
Chesapeake College celebrated the graduates of the Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program on October 15 in the Todd Performing Arts Center.
Zakina Johnson gave the graduates’ address, while Shirley Lake, Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board Blueprint Coordinator/Career Navigator, gave the keynote speech.
The Fall 2024 ABE graduates are Allegra Ash, Bryan Baez-Peguero, Nasra Bano, George Bixler, Miranda Bougher, Jayden Brown, Tykee Brown, Niaisa Carroll, Lisbeth Cedano-Pilier, Alexis Chavez-Sebastian, Makensea Coleman, Damion Diaz, Stefanie Golebieski, Kimberly Hamilton, Zakina Johnson, George Kanda, Tiffany Kelly, Kyle Lutz, Jennifer Maule, Sheryal Matthews, Logan Middleton, Karla Murillo-Gonzalez, Tammy Park, Lisette Ponce-Ponce, Aiden Priest, Clarissa Rosenberry, Isabella Shaw, Esther Susman-Peña, and Tina Trice.
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