Chesapeake College is a public, two-year community college serving the educational needs of residents across five counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. We offer a wide range of credit and continuing education classes that prepare students for transfer to four-year institutions, career entry, or skill enhancement.

Vital Statistics

Total Students
Credit Students
Noncredit (CE) Students

Student Headcount

Total Students
FULL-TIME students
PART-TIME students

Unduplicated Credit
Headcount Fall 2024

Total FTE
Credit FTE
Noncredit (CE) FTE

(FTE) Students FY2024




Full-time Credit Faculty


Part-time Credit Faculty


Full-time Staff


Part-time Staff
includes noncredit faculty

Program Highlights

Campus highlights

Chesapeake College believes in the philosophy of equality of opportunity, treatment, and benefits for all students and employees regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, or sexual orientation.

Institutional Data

If there is inaccurate information on this page, please send corrections or comments to the contact below.

Enrollment NUMBER % TOTAL
Unduplicated Headcount 2,095
Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTE): 30 credit hours = full time 472
Full-Time 429 20%
Part-Time 1,666 80%
First-time Freshmen 404 19%
Dual Enrolled 728 35%
New Transfers 108 5%
Continuing 854 41%
Male 698 33%
Female 1,397 67%
Under 18 750 36%
18-19 542 26%
20-24 425 20%
25-59 369 18%
60+ 9 < 1%
Ethnicity NUMBER % TOTAL
African-American 270 13%
American Indian or Alaska Native 3 < 1%
Asian 35 2%
Foreign 21 1%
Hispanic 237 11%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5 < 1%
White 1,351 64%
Two or More Races 78 4%
Unreported 95 5%
All minorities 628 32%
Residence NUMBER % TOTAL
Caroline County 503 24%
Dorchester County 337 16%
Kent County 156 7%
Queen Anne’s County 575 27%
Talbot County 435 21%
Other 89 4%
Program of Study (Program Type) NUMBER % TOTAL
Associate of Arts (AA) Degree 523 25%
Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) Degree 87 4%
Associate of Science (AS) Degree 319 15%
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree 316 15%
All Career Degrees, Total 1,245 59%
Certificate (Transfer) 1 < 1%
Certificate (Career) 76 4%
All Certificates, Total 77 4%
Non-Degree Seeking 773 37%
Student Intent NUMBER % TOTAL
Plan to transfer to 4 yr college 665 32%
Career Training and/or Development 655 31%
Non-Degree Seeking 775 37%
Other Characteristics NUMBER % TOTAL
Freshmen: College Ready 223 58%
Freshmen: Developmental Education Required 170 42%
Pell Eligible 531 25%
First Generation College Student (neither parent attended college) 578 28%
Enrollment NUMBER % TOTAL
Unduplicated Headcount 2,443
FTE, Total 980
FTE, Eligible for State Funding 956
Residence NUMBER % TOTAL
Caroline County 586 21%
Dorchester County 339 12%
Kent County 201 7%
Queen Anne’s County 662 23%
Talbot County 535 19%
Other 120 4%
Other Characteristics 2022 NUMBER % TOTAL
Pell Grant Recipients 583 24%
Total Receiving Financial Aid 889 36%
FTEs by Residence NUMBER % TOTAL
Caroline County 237 24%
Dorchester County 123 13%
Kent County 576 8%
Queen Anne’s County 282 29%
Talbot County 217 22%
Other 44 5%

Chesapeake College offers a wide variety of non-credit courses toward job-specific training for business and industry, preparation for occupational certification, apprenticeship-related coursework, including Workforce Investment Board programs, as well as many courses for pursuing personal interests.

Enrollment NUMBER % TOTAL
Unduplicated Headcount 2,876  
FTE, Total 669  
FTE, Eligible for State Funding 623  
Male 1,055 37%
Female 1,818 63%
Age 22 and under 481 17%
Age 23-39 1,093 38%
Age 40-59 735 26%
Age 60 plus 567 20%
Average age 42  
Median age 37  
Ethnicity NUMBER % TOTAL
African-American 559 19%
American Indian or Alaska Native 8 0%
Asian 37 1%
Foreign 8 0%
Hispanic 717 25%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 11 0%
White 1,339 47%
Two or More Races 28 1%
Unreported 169 6%
All minorities 1,360 47%
Headcount by Residence NUMBER % TOTAL
Caroline County 501 17%
Dorchester County 460 16%
Kent County 175 6%
Queen Anne’s County 838 29%
Talbot County 598 21%
Other 304 11%
FTEs by Residence NUMBER % TOTAL
Caroline County 162 24%
Dorchester County 154 23%
Kent County 42 6%
Queen Anne’s County 149 22%
Talbot County 124 19%
Other 37 6%
Course Enrollments NUMBER % TOTAL
Workforce Development (total) 3,152  
   Job Preparatory 388  
   Licensure and Certification 2,504  
   Job Skills Enhancement 260  
Basic Skills 1,837  
General Education 1,201  
Graduates (Unduplicated Count) NUMBER % TOTAL
Total 270
Male 107 40%
Female 163 60%
Under 18 0 0%
18-19 23 9%
20-24 158 59%
25-59 88 33%
60+ 1 <1%
Average Age 25
Median Age 22
Ethnicity NUMBER % TOTAL
African-American 26 10%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1 <1%
Asian 2 1%
Foreign 0 0%
Hispanic 22 8%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1 <1%
White 192 71%
Two or More Races 14 5%
Unreported 12 4%
All minorities 65 24%
Residence NUMBER % TOTAL
Caroline County 77 29%
Dorchester County 28 10%
Kent County 10 4%
Queen Anne’s County 66 24%
Talbot County 59 22%
Other 30 11%
Awards (Duplicated Count) — Program of Study (Program Type) NUMBER % TOTAL
Associate of Arts (AA) Degree 124 46%
Associate of Science (AS) Degree 39 14%
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree 72 27%
  All Career Degrees, Total 111 41%
Certificate (Transfer) 4 1%
Certificate (Career) 19 7%
  All Certificates, Total 23 9%
Education transfer programs (all Programs) 12 4%
STEM (all Programs) 137 51%
Revenue by Source $ % Total
Tuition and Fees $6,757,509 26%
Federal $0 0%
State $9,289,888 36%
Local $7,126,312 28%
Other $2,469,434 10%
Total $25,643,143 100%
Expenditures by Function $ % Total
Instruction $11,234,178 44%
Public Service $11,102 <1%
Academic Support $1,426,929 6%
Student Services $2,452,968 10%
Institutional Support $6,245,448 24%
Operation & Maintenance of Plant $2,560,404 10%
Scholarships & Fellowships $62,174 <1%
Auxiliary Enterprises $1,707,295 7%
Total $25,700,498 100%
Number of Faculty and Staff Total Full-Time Part-Time
Administration 34 33 1
Continuing Education Faculty 75 4 71
Credit Faculty 102 51 51
Other Professionals 119 77 42
Support Staff 87 56 31
Total 417 221 196
Faculty-Student Ratio 14.9